Attack on Titan is by far one of the most followed anime series. First premiered in 2013 and created by Japanese artist Hajime Isayama, the Attack on Titan (AOT) is adapted from the Japanese Manga that carried the same name. So what is it about in AOT that makes it so popular? And where do you find quality merch online? Let’s go ahead and find out.
AOT Storyline
Attack on Titan enters the dark world where mankind is fighting for their survival against the Titans. The ‘Titans’ are giant humanoid beings that devour humans. The story shows how humans perceive Titans as alien species as they do not know much about the origin of these beings.
And since the attacks started happening, the humans are confused within three walls – Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sina. Going beyond these walls means death. A century later, the Titans slowly invade the walls and they will do everything to protect what’s left of the human race.
AOT Major Characters
The story starts with Eren Jaeger and Mikasa Ackerman’s family. They are slowly devoured by the Titans as these giants start to invade human territory. Eren witnesses how his mother was eaten alive by the Titan and since then, his ultimate goal is to seek revenge. Mikasa on the other hand lived with Eren and his family. It is apparent how protective she is of Eren and swore that wherever he goes, she will follow. Mikasa became one of the best soldiers in the Scout Regiment.
Then the series introduces Armin Arlert, one of Erin’s and Mikasa’s friends. Even though he is not very good at fighting, he has tactical skills. He then joins the Scout Regiment just so he could be around his friends. Even though he is an undergo in the AOT series, he ends up being one of the most loved characters.
Buying Attack on Titan Merch Online
Looking for quality Attack on Titan Merch online? If you are a true AOT fan, then there’s no way that you should miss out on it. In this AOT merch store, you can find literally almost anything that you can ever think of on a merch. From AOT accessories, backpacks, clothing like shirts, hoodies, and shoes.
They also have AOT face masks, perfect for this time when this is a must whenever you go out. It might be difficult to find great merch from other stores, but that is exactly the opposite of what you will experience here. You will have plenty of Attack on Titan merch to pick from.